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A small selection of books which we have in stock and which may be sold at meetings. They may also be obtained here


Athol Books

On Ireland

Derry and the Boyne
by Nicholas Plunket. Introduction by Brendan Clifford
A contemporary account of the Siege of Derry, the Battle of the Boyne and the general condition of Ireland in the Jacobite war. £7.50
From Civil Rights to National War - Northern Ireland Catholic politics, 1964-74
by Pat Walsh
A description and assessment of political developments in the Cathoic community in Northern Ireland from the lemass/O'Neill meetings of the mid-sixties to the fall of the Sunningdale Executive in 1974. £7.50
Ulster Presbyterianism - The historical perspective, 1610-1970
by Peter Brooke
The history of a highly distinctive and intellectually lively religious tradition which for a long period of time almost formed a complete political community in its own right. Essential reading for understanding the problems of Northern Ireland. £10.00
On Europe
The Crime Against Europe
by Sir Roger Casement
Casement's support for Germany during the First World War has usually been interpreted as a case of 'England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity'. These essays show that Casement had a well-worked out and sympathetic understanding of European politics and of Britain's reasons for going to war. They stand in marked contrast to the wave of pro-British jingoism that afflicted the mainstream Irish Home Rule movement at the time. £08.00

Hitler and Mussolini
by James Murphy
Essays designed to explain Naziism and Fascism to an English readership in the 1930s. Explanatory material by Brendan Clifford discusses the English dimension to Nazi thought and looks at the rise of antisemitism in Eastern Europe, putting it in the context of the First World War's work of destroying the Austro-Hungarian Empire. £08.00

Moabite Sonnets
by Albrecht Haushofer
Haushofer was the son of Karl Haushofer whose theories of 'geopolitics' greatly influenced Hitler and Rudolf Hess. Although himself a Jew according to Nazi criteria, he moved in high Nazi circles largely through the protection of Hess. Implicated in the von Stauffenberg attempt to assassinate Hitler, he was imprisoned in the 'Moabite' prison in Berlin and executed shortly before the arrival of the Russians, who found this extraordinary little volume of poems clasped in his hand. The German text is given with an English translation. An introduction by Angela Clifford discusses the influence on Karl Haushofer, and therefore on Hitler and Hess, of the geopolitical ideas of Sir Halford Mackinder, long-term director of the London School of Economics. £10.00

Slovak Spring
by Ladislav Novomesky. Translated and introduced by John Minahane
Ladislav Novomesky was a fine and sensitive poet who was also a leading member of the Slovak Communist Party and a minister in the post war Czechoslovak government. Both his own work and the introductory essay by John Minahane are a powerful evocation of the drama through which he lived, of the conflict between his conscience as a poet and his duty as a Communist, and between his conscience as a Communist and the political pressures of the post war period of the purges and the consolidation of power. £9.00

Francis Boutle Publishers

Looking at the Mermaid - A Reader in Cornish Literature, 900-1900
edited by Alan Kent and Tim Saunders
Extensive selections from major works of Cornish literature, in Cornish (and Latin, Anglo Saxon and French) with English translations. Includes extracts from the ritual plays, the Ordinalia (covering the whole scheme of God revealed in the Bible), the Life of St Meriasek and The Creation of the World. £15.00

The Awakening - Poems newly found
by Jack Clemo
Previously unpublished work by the great Cornish Christian poet. £07.95

Trotsky and the origins of Trotskyism
by Alfred Rosmer et al
The French Communist Alfred Rosmer was a close associate of Trotsky's especially during his years in exile. He was a privileged witness of the early history of the 'Trotskyist' movement. This volume gives a selection of contemporary essays by Rosmer and his associate Boris Souvarine with some modern commentary. It includes Rosmer's completion of Trotsky's My Life and a critique of the mainstream Trotskyist movement which, it is suggested, could more properly be called 'Zinovievist' - the mirror image of the 'Stalinism' it was established to oppose. £10.00


Series: Painting and Its Laws (edited by Peter Brooke)

Art and Religion, Art and Science, Art and Production
by Albert Gleizes
A profound reflection on the wider implications of the changes which occurred in painting in the early twentieth century. Gleizes argues that they indicate a radical change in the 'state of mind' the need for which was also being felt in the fields of religion, science and political economy - 'These are lucid and fascinating texts and fully deserve this re-publication.' Burlington Magazine April 2002 £10.00

From Cubism to Classicism and Painting and Its Laws
by Gino Severini and Albert Gleizes, respectively
The Cubist painter Albert Gleizes and the Futurist Gino Severini reflect on the experience of Cubism and Futurism in the 1920s. £12.50

The Aesthetic of Beuron
by Desiderius Lenz

A nineteenth century German Benedictine monk anticipates many of the ideas associated with twentieth-century art ­ the rejection of naturalism and perspective and an insistence on 'abstract', geometrically based principles for painting.

'Their writings are nothing short of masterly and, indeed, inspired ... highly recommended, not only for art historians of Cubism and Futurism, or of the Nabis, or for the foundation of several streams in twentieth-century art, but also for philosophers of art and aesthetics, and even for studying the psychology of why human beings cannot live without art.' - The Art Book reviewing the Severini, Gleizes and Lenz books, Sept 2003 £12.00


Other publishers

Sanctions on Iraq
Proceedings of a conference hosted by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq in Cambridge in 1999. Historical background with authoritative analyses of the devastating effects of sanctions on Iraqi society, of the use of depleted uranium, of the rationale of the British and US governments including the supposed threat posed by Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction.' £04.00

The Contention of the Poets
by John Minahane

In the late sixteenth century, when Ireland was suffering a process of invasion and massacre under the 'Elizabethan plantation', the bards of Ireland, who still possessed great political influence, engaged in a poetic debate about the genealogy of the High Kings of Ireland. Historians have seen this as a classic case of Nero fiddling while Rome burnt but John Minahane argues that a sophisticated and important political debate was taking place between those (largely Franciscans based in Louvain in France) who advocated outright opposition to the English and to the Reformation, and those who felt some form of accommodation with the invader was unavoidable. £05.00